
Posted over 3 years ago by Keno Butler

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Keno Butler
Keno Butler Admin

Let us know your feedback for our German localization. Thanks!

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Peter Leutner posted over 3 years ago

Hi Keno,

here comes more feedback from Deutschland.
The weekdays shown in your calendar are not completely correct - please use these abbreviations here:

"Sonne" = Son

"Mon" = Mon (correct!)
"Di" = Die

"Mi" = Mit

"Thr" = Don

"Fri" = Fre

"Sa" = Sam

Best regards


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Keno Butler

Keno Butler posted over 3 years ago Admin

Thank you, Peter we appreciate your kindness in sharing. These will be included in the next app update. 

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Pauleit posted over 2 years ago

Hallo, wenn ich eine neue Aufgabe eingebe, Erscheint kein Text. Was ist defekt?

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